How to Repair Damaged Hair
Does your hair need to be brought back to life? It's amazing how much damage the summer months can to the color, shine and overall health of hair. With the sun beating down on your hair everyday along with the humidity, blow drying, chemical exposure, chlorine and salt water it's no wonder your hair appears flat and dull. Well, I have a few suggestions for you that will strengthen and give luster to your locks.
- Deep Conditioner: Your hair dries up due to exposure to heat so using a deep conditioner is a great way to add moisture.
 - Hair Glaze: Using a glaze does wonders when adding shine to the hair. Glazes are usually semi-permanent clear silicone coating that coats the cuticle to add beautiful luster for up to four weeks.
 - Natural Ingredients: I'm talking about the stuff you have around the house. For example beer is known to repair damaged hair. Eggs help to rid hair of build up while adding shine. Coconut oil, avocado and banana are full of oils and nutrients that give lifeless hair sheen and strength creating a silky finish.
 - Quality Tools: It's essential to healthy hair that your blow dryer or flat iron does not get too hot. I suggest you research all tools before purchasing. Take a look at the heat settings, cool buttons and wattage.

Oh yeah! One more tip is to just let you hair be on those days you're not working or going out. So basically try your best not to use a hair dryer, flat iron or other tool that brings heat to your hair. Not to mention, looking "natural" is very in right now! The key is making your hair look trendy, it doesn't have to be perfect! Let the braid or bun be on the messier side.